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Rob Webb

This is the story of Stick, a 49 inch long handmade straight hiking stick that became part of

the Mr and Mrs Author family three years ago at a country fair. Stick has a rubber ferrule on

his foot and a compass on his top. The latter no longer works, the authors fault, the plastic

top is cracked, and the oil has drained out. Stick did posses a smart leather strap to go over

the users wrist, that has gone as well. Stick has never voiced his displeasure at these losses.

One thing you will have noticed is Author referring to Stick as male, he could never be

considered female, for a start he has a one inch diameter at the top and he is heavy, long

and honey coloured lacking any form of decoration. His only purpose in life is to stop Author

from falling flat on his face.

That was until recently. Of late people are keen to talk about him, ask questions like may I

hold Stick? not encouraged. Mr and Mrs Author receive no compliments at all. It is all about

Stick. He has enjoyed the praise of policemen, some older men and women, railway staff

etc. Mrs Author intends to photo those visits that Stick attends and monitor peoples

response and share them with you.

Bill Carmen



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